Thursday, September 3, 2020

Motivation and Commitment for the Social Work Profession

X 1) Motivation and Ccommitment for the Social Work Profession As I think back upon my life there are numerous encounters and factors that have influenced and formed who I am today. On the off chance that you analyze Nature versus Support, Ive consistently coincluded that human articulation isn't simply high contrast, there is an unmistakable ill defined situation where both nature (hereditary qualities) and sustain (condition) consolidate. For instance, youth encounters or relational peculiarities can either represent the moment of truth you as an individual relying upon whether you permit negative encounters or not exactly perfect situations to inconveniently influence the manner by which you see the world.You can win forward or remain with the normal human propensity to diverge before yet you choose to what extent you need that time of diversion to be. My close family growing up was my dad, stepmother, mother, and my twin siblings. My parent's separated from when I was two. My mom was seriously discouraged; in light of this I didn't see her again until I was eight years of age. I dont recollect a great deal from when I was youthful however I do review my siblings and I visiting our mom under oversight in a den of a human administrations building. She disclosed to us that she was better and could before long keep us each other weekend.My mother was better for some time yet the downturn came in cycles, in some cases she was up and different occasions she was down. My twin siblings were brought into the world simple-minded on the mellow range. As I watched my mom and siblings battle with hardships of life, I understood the amount I appreciate helping other people adapt to the hindrances and obstructions that can accompany life, with or without an inability that brings life into another domain. Which is the way I came to work with a few distinct organizations serving different populaces, for example, simple-minded, intellectually sick, truly debilitated and Trau matic Brain Injury.My enthusiasm for social work and brain research started as a young person in my first brain science class my first year in secondary school. I was interested with how the cerebrum functions and what impacts and shapes the human psyche. I told my parent's as of now my fantasy about turning into an advisor. As a youngster I generally needed to offer help and offer guidance to my companions. I needed to help other people through their difficulties. We as a whole face difficulties throughout everyday life, we as a whole need to confront dread at once or another, each challenge and dread is an opportunity to pick up mental fortitude or quality you never realized you had inside you.I started seeking after my single men degree at the age of twenty one. I went to class, work, and simultaneously held up the job of single parenthood. It was trying and debilitating on occasion yet the sentiment of achievement toward the end was well justified, despite all the trouble. In th e wake of accepting my degree I knew in the long run I would need to ascend further up the training stepping stool when I was prepared. I needed a break to acquire work experience serving others. This year I chose was the perfect chance to investigate a bosses degree program.I was enamored with the multidimensional settings referenced in the Advanced Generalist Concentration portrayal for the subsequent year. It is essential to get familiar with the various levels and parts of societies and the impacts thereof, so as to all the more likely comprehend and relate to the people you fill in as a social specialist. My future profession objectives after I complete the program: I want to work in a facility or asset community for people with HIV and work towards further counteraction and training to the general population. I will acquire a minor in Drug and Alcohol Counseling so I can all the more likely serve this population.After increasing some work understanding to widen my viewpoint an d information, I plan to open my own treatment practice so as to help other people through their difficulties and prevail throughout everyday life. 2) A Social Issue of Concern A social issue of worry for me is the trashing of people with HIV in the public arena. As the HIV/AIDS pestilence denotes its thirtieth year, you can express a great deal has changed since 1981 when what was thought of as the gay plague which had side effects ssimilar to pneumonia and Kaposis Sarcoma, for example, fever, weariness, rash, swollen lymph hubs, and sore throat.Although numerous people experience no indications by any means, feel, and seem solid for quite a while. A couple of years after the fact this would come to be known as HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Presently thirty years after the fact society, experts, and specialists find out about HIV transmission, treatment, and counteraction. Society may realize all the more yet do they realize enough to keep obliviousness and shame under contro l? An ongoing review performed by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows significant portions of Americans keep on communicating uneasiness at interfacing with individuals living with HIV.For model 45% state theyd be awkward having their food arranged by somebody who is HIV-positive, 36% with having a HIV flat mate, 29% having their kid in a homeroom with a HIV-positive educator, and 18 ppercent working with somebody who is HIV-positive. One measurement that gives some guarantee in diminishing disgrace and obliviousness inside society is the offer expressing theyd be truly open to working with somebody who has HIV expanded from about a third in 1997 to generally half in 2011. (www. kff. organization/kaiserpolls[->0]) Unfortunately different outcomes show people in general is as yet uninformed about methods of transmission of HIV.The KFF review additionally shows that in the course of recent years, approximately one of every four Americans have proceeded to either accept that one can get HIV from a drinking glass, or stay uncertain whether it is the situation. What do these measurements tell about disgrace and numbness inside the overall population? It says that conceivably defaming and dincriminating perspectives despite everything persevere. There are a couple of components that I accept prompted this result, 1) general society isn't being taught enough in the schools, TV, and specialists workplaces and emergency clinics are prime spots where we can get the data out there. ) More specialists are recommending HIV tests for non-older, 29% however so far it doesn't convert into an expansion in reports of really getting a HIV test. Around one of every five non-old grown-ups state they have been tried for HIV in the previous a year which is a ppercentage that has held consistent since 1997. 3) The data about how HIV is contracted and testing courses/destinations needs to get out not to simply high-hazard populace yet to everybody also. In spite of the fact that soc iety ddiscrimination, HIV itself doesn't segregate. (insights acquired from: www. kff. rg/kaiserpolls) 1. Society Response When talking about HIV by and large, individuals get protective and awkward. This is the place peer support at testing locales, network training destinations, and in the facilities/medical clinics is essential in light of the fact that those living with HIV can share their accounts and show others the various sorts of individuals that agreement HIV. So a face can be put with the infection, show others that you cannot tell who has HIV by taking a gander at somebody. Additionally, a conviction that becomes possibly the most important factor is that on the off chance that you talk about sex, even safe sex, that individuals will be urged to have a greater amount of it.In reality the contrary sounds valid. The more that teachers and medical clinic experts talk about safe sex and STDs, the more agreeable others are conversing with their sex accomplices regarding the m atter. The more you think about a theme, the more certain you feel to examine it with others. 3) Personal Strengths, Skills, Knowledge, Qualities and Limitations Ive consistently had a selfless character, sympathy for other people, capacity to feel for outer and interior human battles. In secondary school I delighted in offering guidance and being the thoughtful ear to my friends.Growing more established, I appreciated tuning in to and conversing with develop grown-ups at work with consistently contact I increased more information about their background. I was constantly intrigued while talking about the manner in which they dealt with their hardships. I generally had a hunger for information whether it is the verbally expressed expressions of others, understanding books, getting a charge out of new encounters, or investigating on the web. A few experts who get huge training, or are in their picked calling for quite a while, come to accept they have learned everything. They stall ou t stuck like specialists rewarding numbers, not rewarding the patient.I dont trust I will ever get to that place in my vocation. Toward the beginning and by the day's end, you have to recall your motivation for yourself and for other people. Its intrinsic for us all to require human experience, to be cherished and acknowledged, to feel required, to fulfill others. In synopsis, a hunger for human information, an understanding that society and individuals are perpetually changing, the capacity to feel for other people, and the human involvement with general, is the thing that makes a successful social specialist. One of my restrictions is that I regularly think little of myself.Because of that I put constraints on myself that dont should be there. I let dread of accomplishment hinder achievement. Nonetheless, Ive come to understand this and I give a valiant effort to endeavor further and not surrender. There are consistently obstructions in life whether it is passionate, physical, or natural. One must figure out how to get around them, work with them, or run directly through them. 4) Ethics and Values My own qualities are found in the work I have decided to do tthroughout my life. Ive worked with the simple-minded, intellectually sick, and genuinely tested people for some years.I accept regardless of what the distinctions and impediments are, we as individuals all merit regard, poise, and similar open doors that all Americans are given. The option to cast a ballot, get training, option to work, to serve in the network, have assets accessible, and to live and encounter life to its fullest; are rights and benefits we as a whole have. Some don't understand how in the past those that vary from the standard have needed to battle and battle for these rights, many needed to encounter anguish, misery, and disconnection when organization was standard and no rights were given to these

Saturday, August 22, 2020

What To Look For In A Primary Letter Writing Paper

What To Look For In A Primary Letter Writing PaperWhen looking for a primary writing paper, it can be a difficult task to determine what type of paper would best suit your needs. It is important to remember that not all secondary writing papers are the same. In fact, there are various types of secondary writing papers available, and the only way to find out which one is right for you is to research the various options.The initial letter or thesis should be done as a sort of introductory lecture. As such, it should consist of basic information about the topic and should relate it to others who are also researching the same topic. Of course, it would not be appropriate to get overly specific in the initial draft of the letter; rather, it should simply present a general overview of the topic.The second letter or thesis will be more formal and has more information to be written about. The letter should state the source and not rely solely on quotes from other documents or previous work. Instead, the letter should contain a description of the information to be presented and how it relates to the article or essay to be written.For a final secondary writing paper, the individual should summarize the materials and create a summary that summarizes the whole article. This includes an introduction, closing, and summary. This is a good example of the type of secondary writing paper that might be used in a university setting.There are two more different types of essays that might be used to apply for an academic environment; these are dissertations and the more commonly used the better. Dissertations are meant to be written at a more advanced level than the secondary writing paper. It is a lengthy essay that gives the individual more to write about.The last type of writing is the more commonly used one; a student's life in college. An example might be something like: the event in which the student fell in love, the career path that they chose, their friendships, their girlf riends, and so on. These are typically very long essays that might have as many as 40 to 50 pages.When completing the writing paper, it is important to remember that one is not required to spend hours on their research. Therefore, the time spent should be much shorter than the time spent for the other essays. In this case, the more research the person has done prior to doing the essay, the less time they will need to write.Overall, when it comes to a primary letter writing paper, the first one that has been completed is the best one. Generally, the papers that are sent out are for peer reviews, and a great deal of care should be taken to ensure that they are high quality. In order to provide high quality letters, it is important to read up on some of the basics of academic writing before you begin.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Life On Mars Essay -- essays research papers fc

Life on Mars On the off chance that life at any point developed on any of different planets, Mars is the likeliest competitor. After Earth, Mars is the planet with the most cordial atmosphere in the nearby planetary group. So cordial that it might once have occupied crude, microscopic organisms like life. Surge channels and other geologic highlights give broad proof that billions of years prior fluid water streamed on the outside of Mars. Proceeding with changes is an achievement in present day American innovation and it gives the world a stage forward in finding the genuine truth about existing life on Mars. Rushing in from space nearly 16 million years back, a mammoth space rock pummeled into the outside of Mars and detonated with more force than a million nuclear bombs. This caused colossal amounts of rock and soil to fly into the slim Mars’ environment. While the greater part of the stones fell back to the surface, a portion of the flotsam and jetsam, terminated upward by the impact at high speeds, got away from the frail pull of Mars’ gravity and went into circles of their own around the sun. Researchers accept that the earth’s gravity got a portion of the flotsam and jetsam and maneuvered it into the earth. Researcher Digregorio, Barry E (B4) expressed that inside the flotsam and jetsam of falling stone, were microorganisms. He takes note of that the microorganisms may have been the very beginning of life, as human progress knows it. It is highly unlikely to demonstrate his hypothesis valid, yet it is a solid chance. Likenesses in planets persuaded there is a typical bond between Venus, Earth, and Mars. In August 1960 the new study of astrobiology was given the name â€Å"exobiology,† the investigation of the beginning, development, and dissemination of life known to man. Venus, Earth and Mars share comparative measures of carbon dioxide, demonstrating a comparable birthplace for these universes, despite the fact that a lot of Mars’ carbon dioxide strangely rises up out of the dirt and some from the polar ice top. A hypothesis is that â€Å"anaerobes† lived on all the planets. Anaerobes can just live without oxygen. At the point when the Earth’s ozone began to shape, over a large portion of the world’s living beings of anaerobes ceased to exist and later advanced to become aerobes, which can just make due with a steady flexibly of oxygen. Researchers accept that the high surface temperatures on the dim regions of Mars might be clarified on the nearness of living vegetation set upon a dry vegetable shape. Coblentz, a researcher of material science a nd crystal gazing, made a hypothesis that ... or ever was life on Mars. Book reference Burgess, Eric. To the Red Planet. New York: Columbia University Press, 1978. Record of the Viking campaign. Chandler, David. Life on Mars. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1979. Investigates the chance of life on Mars. Gibbons, John, et al. Investigating Moon and Mars: Choices for the Nation. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1991. A report by the Office of Technology Assessment. Matsunaga, Spark. The Mars Project. New York: Hill and Wang, 1986. Representative Matsunaga requires a joint U.S.- Soviet kept an eye on crucial Mars. Miles, Frank and Booth, Nicholas. Race to Mars. New York: Harper and Row, 1988. Mars strategic. Pittendrigh, Colin, et al, eds. Science and the Exploration of Mars. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1966. Report of an examination held under the support of the Space Science Board. Works Cited Dick, Steven J. Life On Other Worlds. Australia: Melbourse, 1998. Digregorio, Barry E. Mars The Living Plane t. Califronia: Berkeley, 1997. Goldsmith, Donald. The Hunt for Life ON Mars. Britain: Middlesex, 1997 Jakosky, Vuce. The Search for Life on Other Planets. New York: New York, 1998.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Strategic Management Management Research Paper - 3300 Words

Strategic Management Management Research Paper (Research Paper Sample) Content: Strategic ManagementName:Instructor:Date:AbstractStrategic management refers to the formulation and implementation of major goals in the company. This process is carried out by the top management of the company. The process starts by defining the broad goal of the company as defined by the mission and vision statements. This is a continuous process that requires constant reviews to ensure that any deviations from the set goals are corrected in time. This paper looks at two major companies in the automobile industry: Toyota from Japan and General Motors from the United States of America. The report looks at their respective existing business strategies, their domestic and global business environments, and internal abilities. The conclusion will be the determination as to whether the operations of the two companies are in line with their respective mission vision statements. The analysis of these two companies strategies can best be done using Porters Five Forces Model. Introduction:Recent years have been rough for automobile manufacturers. Skyrocketing fuel prices and growing environmental concerns have shifted consumers' preferences away from fuel-guzzling pickup trucks to smaller, more fuel-efficient cars. Some automakers embraced the change by expanding their small-car portfolios and diversifying into the production of hybrid electric motor vehicles. Other automakers were more reluctant to shift their focus from big to small cars, expecting the price of fuel to contract eventually, bringing consumers back to the big-car fold. When fuel prices did fall during the second half of 2008, it was due to the US financial crisis ripping through the global economy. This had a domino effect throughout the developed and emerging worlds, with many Western nations following the United States into recession. Industry revenue fell about 15.4% in 2009. Pent-up demands however helped the industry improve revenue by about 2.1% in 2013, thus bringing overall reven ue to an estimated $2.3 trillion. Throughout the past five years, growth in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) supported production. Rising income in these countries led to an increase in the demand for motor vehicles. Also, Western automakers moved production facilities to BRIC countries to tap into these markets and benefit from low-cost production. Over the next five years, the emerging economies will continue their growth, and demand for motor vehicles in the Western world will recover. Industry revenue is forecast to grow an annualized 2.5% to total an estimated $2.6 trillion over the five years to 2018.Analysis of Existing Models Using Porters Five Forces:Rivalry between Existing Competitors: Rivalry occurs, because one or more competitors either feels the pressure or sees the opportunity to improve position' (Porter, 2004). Additionally, 'The strategies pursued by one firm can be successful only to the extent that they provide competitive advantage over the strategies pursued by rival firms.' (David, 2011). General Motors was the global market leader in the automobile industry. However, things changed in the 1970s and 1980s when competition from foreign rivals hit the US market. Models like Honda, Toyota and Nissan became popular because of their lower pricing. Competition forced a change of strategy at General Motors with smaller cars like the Chevrolet Optra being produced. Toyota has been able to keep competition at bay by constant technological innovations which have kept production costs lower than its competitors. This translates into lower prices of Toyota brands.Barriers to Entry: According to Porter, new capacity may be brought to an industry by new entrants. Furthermore, gaining the market share, and getting high proportion of resources can be achieved by new entries. Meanwhile, the presence of new corporations in any industry can push the prices down and may decrease the profitability. With the barriers to new entrants bein g lowered by each passing day, General Motors has had to relook its production to ensure that manufacturing cost do not eat it into its margins as competition boils down to price. Toyota has managed to have exclusive technologies that may not be available to the new firms. This gives the company competitive advantage in terms of quality. The new entrants may also find it costly to train employees, and may resolve into poaching from the established firms like Toyota and General Motors at very high costs. The strategies used by the veteran firms in the automobile industry is constant technological innovations that keep them ahead of the new entrants.Pressure of Price from Substitutes/Complementaries: Substitutes are alternatives products while complementaries are products that are used together with the product manufactured by the company. The use of substitutes like motor cycles in countries like India ate into General Motors market. Similarly, the cost of complementary products lik e tires and gas have also pushed the cost of production higher. This high cost must be shouldered by the consumer through higher prices.Bargaining Power of Buyers: Buyers compete with the industry by forcing down prices, bargaining for higher quality and more services, and playing competitors against each other, all at the expense of industry profitability'(Porter, 2004). Through consumer unions, buyers can use various means to push for lower prices. The most common applicable means include lobbying manufacturers, and in worst case scenarios, product boycotts have been used to force manufactures lower prices.Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Suppliers of an industry plays a significant role for their businesses. They may reduce the quality of the products, or may raise the prices up. For the motor industry, raw materials and machine parts suppliers' threat is very low, because there many suppliers for those sections (NY times, 2011). However, the powerful labor union, United Auto Worke rs (UAW), is a potential threat to GM's economical capability and endurance. For example, the liability of pension and health-care costs acquired an additional 1,400 to the cost of every vehicle comes from GM place compared with competitor products (The Economist, 2008). This is a magnificent amount and GM needs to search ways to cut this liability, therefore, GM may get more economical improvement and the growth of the company.SWOT AnalysisStrengths:General MotorsGeneral Motors derives its strength from its large global market. The company has operations in more than countries including the US and Canada. GM enjoys a large market share in China which is home to about 2.5 billion people. GM also boasts of a wide range of brands therefore giving its customers options within its fold. Therefore, General Motors, with its global experience and its huge market share in the world, is still keeps the professional place in the automobile industry.General Motors Corporation uses OnStar Satel lite Technology. This technology provides its customers security and safety facilities. For example, in the event of emergency, the system allows the driver to communicate with OnStar personnel by just clicking a button. GM has been controlling the costs by alliance and partnership with corporations like Shanghai Automobile Industry Corp., Toyota Motor Corp. and Daimler AG. This has enabled the company maintain lower costs by having a stronger bargaining power with suppliersToyota:Toyota has a strong market position in different geographies across the world. The company's market share for Toyota and Lexus brands, (excluding mini vehicles) in Japan was 45.5% in FY2012. Similarly, Toyota has a market share of 12.2% in North America, 13.4% market share in Asia (excluding Japan and China), and 4.3% market share in Europe. In addition, the company holds a 7% share of the Chinese market and a significant market share in South and Central America, Oceania, Africa and the Middle East region s. Such strong market position allows the company to gain competitive advantage and also expand into international markets. In addition, Toyota holds a portfolio of strong brands in the automotive industry. Thus, the company's strong market position gives it significant competitive advantage and helps it to register higher sales growth in domestic and international markets.Toyota has a strong focus on RD to expand its product portfolio and improve the functionality, quality, safety and environmental compatibility of its products. The company's RD efforts are directed at developing new products and processes and improving the capabilities of existing products. The company conducts its RD operations at 14 facilities worldwide. Strong focus on RD has helped the company in incorporating newer features to its existing range of products and also in bringing out latest technologies in the varied areas. The company's strong focus on RD allows it to uphold the technological leadership in mos t of its product segments. It also enables Toyota to develop innovative products, leading to strong sales.Toyota has an extensive production and distribution network. Toyota and its affiliates produce automobiles and related parts and components through more than 50 manufacturing companies in 27 countries and regions besides Japan. During FY2012, the company produced 7,435,781 vehicles, including 3,940,000 vehicles in Japan and 3,495,000 vehicles across all other manufacturing locations. In addition, Toyota has an extensive distribution network. While the companys geographically well spread production base diversifies business risks, its extensive distribution network provides a wider reach, thus boosting revenuesWeaknesses:General MotorsThe greatest weakness of GM is its overreliance on the US market, especially in earlier years. This has however improved by taking...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Harlem Renaissance By Zora Neale Hurston - 925 Words

The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural movement in the 1920s that led to the evolution of African-American culture, expression through art, music, and literary works, and the establishment of African roots in America. Zora Neale Hurston contributed to the Harlem Renaissance with her original and enticing stories. However, Hurston’s works are notorious (specifically How it Feels to Be Colored Me and Their Eyes Were Watching God) because they illustrate the author’s view of black women and demonstrate the differences between their views and from earlier literary works. One of Hurston’s stories, How it Feels to Be Colored Me, reflects the author’s perspective of the colored race (specifically herself). According to the story, when Hurston reached the age of thirteen, she truly â€Å"became colored† (1040). The protagonist was raised in Eatonville, Florida, which was mainly inhabited by the colored race. She noted no difference between herself and t he white community except that they never lived in her hometown. Nevertheless, upon leaving Eatonville, the protagonist began losing her identity as â€Å"Zora,† instead, she was recognized as only being â€Å"a little colored girl† (1041). Hurston’s nickname â€Å"Zora† represents her individuality and significance; whereas, the name â€Å"a little colored girl† was created by a white society to belittle her race and gender (1041). Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God further demonstrates the author’s perspective of colored women. The mainShow MoreRelatedThe Harlem Renaissance By Zora Neale Hurston1896 Words   |  8 Pages Personal Identity The Harlem Renaissance was a period from the end of World War I through the middle of the Great Depression, during which a group of talented African-American writers produced a body of poetry, fiction, drama, and essays. Zora Neale Hurston is considered to be one of the most influential contributors to the Harlem Renaissance period. Hourston grew up in this culturally affirming setting due to her father’s mentality, despite frequent confrontations with her preacher-father, sheRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance By Zora Neale Hurston1906 Words   |  8 Pagesthe truth. The Harlem Renaissance is real. It is identified as a spiritual re-awakening, a rebirth in culture, a sense of pride and self awareness. However, African Americans were not always allowed this prodigious freedom. Prior to the Harlem Renaissance African Americans were slaves; considered a piece of property who had no rights whatsoever. Despite, their harsh history, Civil Rights were enforced, this helped bring them out of their misery; which is why the harlem renaissance is such an importantRead MoreAnalysis Of The Harlem Renaissance By Zora Neale Hurston1751 Words   |  8 PagesAnalytical Essay During the Harlem Renaissance many African American were coming out of the shadow and started a cultural movement. They migrated to the north throughout 1915 to 1918. They moved up north for the urban industrial centers like Harlem, Chicago, St. Louis, and Detroit which was known as the great migration for the African American community was now getting noticed by the white man. This was a breakthrough for the African American they moved to find better jobs to carve out better livesRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance Movement By Zora Neale Hurston1446 Words   |  6 (2009) describes the Harlem Renaissance movement as â€Å"a literary, artistic, and intellectual movement that kindled a new black cultural identity.† The 1920s and 1930s emcompass a time in history where blacks found themselves ostracized from mainstream society. It was uncommon to see the expressions of black artistry in everyday life, especially on a literary level. Zora Neale Hurston, a novelist, folklorist, and Ethnographical Anthropologist was born in 1891 in Notasulga, Alabama butRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance Movement By Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes, And Ralph Waldo Ellison931 Words   |  4 Pagesthe Harlem Renaissance Movement represented a period of artistic and intellectual change that initiated a new identity on black culture. Often called the â€Å"New Negro† Era, the Harlem Renaissance opened doors for African American to express themselves in the form of visual arts, musical elements, and even performing arts during the 1920s. Due to this movement, Harlem became the city that â€Å"gave African Americans a physical cultural center.† [1] Renowned black artists such as Zora Neale Hurston, LangstonRead MoreRole Of Zora Neale Hrston In The Harlem Renaissance1237 Words   |  5 Pages The Societal Role of Zora Neale Hurston during the Harlem Renaissance Jasmine Graham Nichole Craig HUM2020 (178011) TR 3:30-4:45 The Harlem Renaissance was a very historical time for the African American community as a whole. The Harlem Renaissance helped to pave the way for the civil rights movements that began around the early 1950s. During this time there was an influx of people who decided to relocate from the south to the north. The Harlem Renaissance also sparked a rise inRead MoreStory in Harlem Slang976 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Story in Harlem Slang† by Zora Neale Hurston is written entirely in Harlemese. It contains a three-page appendix, at the end of the story, with the translated slang she used to aid the reader. Harlemese is used to describe things taking place in Harlem and to create a sense that Harlem is its own place, almost a country inside of a country for Blacks. During this time many Blacks believed that living in the North was much better than living in the Jim Crow consumed south. The idea that Zora Neale HurstonRead MoreSummary Of Zora Neale Hurston 1210 Words   |  5 Pages9:00 Zora Neale Hurston Zora Neale Hurston was born on January 7, 1891 in Alabama. She is known to be one of the most influential novelist of the twentieth century in African America literature. Hurston is described to be a very opinionated woman that stood for what she believed in; which reflected in some of her works. In addition to her many titles such as, being an anthropologist and short story writer, she was closely related and heavily focused on the Harlem Renaissance. Zora Neale Hurston andRead MoreDust Tracks on a Road Essay1901 Words   |  8 PagesHonors American Literature January 9th, 2013 Zora Neale Hurston autobiography Dust Tracks on a Road, sketches her own life living in Eatonville, Florida, was the first organized self-government African American community. Many people saw the African American community as racism and segregation. Hurston implies that the nicest people she met in her early stages were whites who showed her compassion. According to her official website Zora Neale Hurston, â€Å"Dust Tracks on a Road, was her account of herRead MoreA New Beginning For African Americans Essay1291 Words   |  6 Pagesmovement became known as the Harlem Renaissance, which is also known as the â€Å"New Negro Movement†. With this movement, African Americans sought out to challenge the â€Å"Negro† stereotype that they had received from others while developing innovation and great cultural activity. The Harlem Renaissance became an artistic explosion in the creative arts. Thus, many African Americans turned to writing, art, music, and theatrics to expres s their selves. The Harlem Renaissance opened doors to the African American

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Qualitative Critical Appraisal, Attitudes Knowledge and...

I have chosen to critique Rydon’s (2005) article ‘The attitudes, knowledge and skills needed in mental health nurses: The perspective of users of mental health services’ because I am interested in finding out service user’s outlook of mental health nurses. When I qualify as a mental health nurse I would need to acquire the correct attitudes, knowledge and skills as this would make the nursing process more effective, because as McCabe and Timmons (2006) suggest I will be more sensitive to the client’s needs and preferences. Therefore being able to transfer findings to my own practice is highly substantial. The Author of the article, Sharon E. Rydon, has undertaken this research as a partial fulfilment of a Master’s degree, training to be†¦show more content†¦In consequence of that, differences may have influenced the outcomes of the results and bias may have formed (Parahoo, 2006). This type of bias is called selection biases. Some research bias is inevitable but the researcher should have shown their understanding of this and taken this into account in the data analysis. Therefore it also clearly indicates the researcher has failed to maintain consistency in the article and because of the errors the validity of the article has also been threatened. Further clarification is needed to understand what she actually did (Whittaker Willamson, 2011, Parahoo, 2006, Litwin, 1995). It is imperative for a study to be valid, for the results to be accurately applied and interpreted. From this article it is difficult to say whether the study reflects the truth. Insufficient information on how the participants were selected; how participants got involved in the study; what questions were asked; whether or not the researcher’s body language and style of questioning influenced the results; and how trust was gained with participants leaves the reader questioning the validity of the article (Litwin, 1995, Merriam, 2009). The researcher â€Å"drew on the experience of 21 participants† although a small sample it is adequate to gaining rich data (Moule Goodman, 2009), But â€Å"focus groups lasting approximately 1Show MoreRelatedCritical Appraisal Skills Programme And Their Perceptions Of Developing Compassionate Nurses2018 Words   |  9 Pagescompassion within nursing care and their perceptions of developing compassionate nurses’ (Bramley, Matiti, 2014). It has been chosen primarily as the article sets out to explore the experiences of compassion from the perspective of the patient during a period of inpatient care. Secondly It has been chosen because qualitative research is becoming more influential as a way of developing nursing knowledge within evidence-based nursing practice (Bailey C,2002). 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Impact Of Experiential Learning On Developing People †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Impact Of Experiential Learning On Developing People. Answer: The aim of this essay is to analyze the relation of the experiential learning with human resource and adult learning. It is a method of learning introduced and discussed in various dimension. It is a significant area of concurrent research. The style is progressive, radical and humanist. The concept has presence of an educator to guide the proper utilization of the informal knowledge in simplistic understanding of complex situation. It has a serious impact on human resource development and adult education. For better and deep understanding of business dynamics as well as interpersonal relationships, it has helped greatly. This method give scope for safe environment for learning, engages the employees to their works, produces verifiable changes in mindsets by bridging the gap between theory and practice. This model supports self-learning process, which has given birth of some arguments among the educationists (Knowles, Holton and Swanson 2014). The essay critically analyses the theory of experiential learning, its cyclical nature, the contrasting views of the scholars regarding this theory, its impact on adult learning and human resource development and it is effects in future learning process. Experiential learning is a comprehensive learning process in which a learner makes practical and effective use of his experiences to construct knowledge. It is referred more commonly as learning by doing. The learning here takes place as the learners learn through direct reflection and involvement by comparing their own experiences with the learning. This method increases their motivation and material detainment. The four- stage model of David Kolb regarding experiential learning is a basic presentation of this approach. The essay discusses Kolb's extensive method of the building the model of the concerned learning. Thetheory of experiential learning states that the essence of adult learning is to make sense of life experiences. The adults can learn best when they learn from action and involvement. Involvement together with experiences offers the best education instead of blindly memorizing numbers as well as definitions. David A. Kolbdescribes the cyclical essence of experiential learning. It takes place in four stages such as: Concrete Experience: Adults can learn best if the learning process exceeds the chalk-and-talk routine. By encouraging simulations or physical actions, the experiential learning evokes emotional responses that are stronger and realistic therefore reveals cause-effect relationships, creates powerful experiences, which they do not forget easily. Reflection and Observation:In experiential learning, the adults gain knowledge and obtain insight by engaging themselves and reflecting their own practical. Therefore, it not only creates scope for experience based coaching but also provides opportunity to motivate reflection (Baker Robinson and Kolb 2012). The learning creates scope for visualizing the actions then analyzing the procedures. Abstract concept formation:The actual goal of experiential learning is to assure that the learner is capable of decoding abstract concepts of their reflections, generalizing the ideas, and perceiving the pertinence to reality. This type of learning designs estimations to motivate the learners to practice analytical thinking abilities so that they can contrive concepts as well as procedures. Active Experimentation:The hands-on tasks as role-playing, internships, and others let the learners register the learning therefore they truly learn by actions. Active experimentations in new situations guide to form concrete experiences. Impact: In recent times, business grows faster therefore needs to incorporate the innovation and experiential learning in its workplace. experiential learning is an action based education system and the business world advocates this learning model suggesting that the employees learn 70% work through informal experience, 20% through connectivity and the rest from the organizations training methods. Therefore, most of the organizations employ this purposefully designed learning style to increase skill and proficiency development. This accelerates human resource growth and keeps pace with the business (Chan 2012). This process helps to identify the most required aspects in real world. It creates valuable opportunities to acquire knowledge for the future. The adult learners get the knowledge of real life professionalism by transforming their ideas in to action. This learning can be beneficial for both the groups of visual learners as well as the people learn easily from actions. Experiential lea rning can replace external learning in terms of associated expenses. From the organizational point of view, the employees get motivated easily when they can find the relevance of the learning model with their real life experiences and get the opportunity to give feedback (Houge Mackenzie, Son and Hollenhorst 2014). The experiential learning model has been proved more efficient than other learning methods. As in this style, the employees work actively and at the same time learn from the action, reduce the time of learning. For example in many institutions, trainee engineers are given opportunity to master through on job experience and mentorship. In this learning process, the learners face challenges of queer situations and practice to navigate. On order to maximize learning, the style has created scope and acknowledged differences to build experiences (Kolb 2014). They work in a designed development, which accelerate the ability in decision-making and understand the business require ment (Bevan and Kipka 2012). Experiential theory has a great impact on business games as it welcomes new ideas and concepts, gives opportunity to apply and ask feedback of the actions. As the business has been visualizing drastic changes over time, the traditional theories need to be revised and Kolbs experiential learning theory helps the mentors or executives to adopt new techno-centric methods in accelerating performance and reflection (Kolb and Kolb 2012). Experiential learning has gained popularity in adult learning as it celebrates interconnection between peoples real-life experience and learning process. With the outcome of increased new skills and ideas, this model helps the educators to keep on motivating and rewarding for implementation of real life experience into work. Educationist John Dewey has justified that the individuals transform themselves by creating new knowledge and performing different roles. Experiential learning has a social and democratic nature that emphasizes in internal development and process. Instead of dysfunctional experiences that prevent growth, the individuals must select those experiences helping in building continuity and interaction (Passarelli and Kolb 2012). Through continuity, Dewey tries to identify the ability to connect the new experiences with the already known one. Interaction refers to the ability to be interactive with the work environment and examining the impact of knowledge in that situa tion. Usually mentors in adult education help them to link dissimilarities with the known. The principles of this style of learning help the adults to improve socio-economic life by teaching the requirements to resolve an issue when the problems arise from uncertainty and shifting situational dimensions (Sandlin, Wright and Clark 2013). This theory maintains the concept of constant learning process where the learners continue to pursue knowledge actively and get opportunity to learn from complex situations. The Experiential learning style often assists the adults to understand perplexing new situations. For example, an employee when joins a new organization acquires important socio-political as well as cultural norms of that organization (Warren 2014). Argument: The scholars, who work in the educational ground and various effective learning processes, have disagreed with the experiential learning theory of David Kolb. Roger argues that experiential learning style excludes targets, purposes, decision-making and intentions. This procedure is solely based on the learners rating themselves instead of rating the preferred learning style. It only strengthens the individual learner instead of relating others. John Heron thinks the style is narrow and needs more development. The critique finds that the part concerning concrete experience is not explained properly therefore, leaves a vast scope for more experiment. It needs to be more elaborated and defined (Merriam and MacKeracher 2013). The model is more concerned about reflective scrutiny, experimentation and conceptualization. Other critics find the concept of Kolb is very much ill defined and needs interpretations. The idea that the theorist has explains seem to be a blend of various theories th at has not been amalgamated logically. .From philosophical point of view, the style is invalid and too restricted. There is no place for imagination and intuition therefore the persons from different gender, socio-economy, age finds it difficult to relate (Schenck and Cruickshank 2015). According to Loyness, the application of this theory has never been convincing and it does not demonstrate the transfer of process of learning from one setting to the other. The simple linear structure of the model is not always acceptable by the adult learners who work random. The cyclical model gives the impression that the levels are equal with time and emphasis. Wilson and Beard support the theory of experiential learning terming it as extremely influential from the management perspective. In management education, the theory is free from any problem and has a far-reaching impact on human resource development and adult learning. From management perspective, social interactions of an individual are very much important for self-development and action. Kolbs style locates itself in the tradition of cognitive psychology related to language use, perception and problem solving but merely explains anything therefore alienates people from cultural, social and historical aspects of reasoning and action. Therefore, from the above analysis it may be concluded that experiential style of learning facilitates the employees application of informal knowledge into meaningful activity. It is all about empowering a learner by valuing his personal, practical and informal experiences. It is a radical tradition that focuses on personal development, increases the ability to accept challenging situations and solve them by connecting them with personal experiences. References: Baker, M.A., Robinson, J.S. and Kolb, D.A., 2012. Aligning Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory with a Comprehensive Agricultural Education Model.Journal of Agricultural Education,53(4). Bevan, D. and Kipka, C., 2012. Experiential learning and management education.Journal of Management Development,31(3), pp.193-197. Chan, C.K.Y., 2012. Exploring an experiential learning project through Kolb's Learning Theory using a qualitative research method.European Journal of Engineering Education,37(4), pp.405-415. Houge Mackenzie, S., Son, J.S. and Hollenhorst, S., 2014. Unifying psychology and experiential education: Toward an integrated understanding of why it works.Journal of Experiential Education,37(1), pp.75-88. Knowles, M.S., Holton III, E.F. and Swanson, R.A., 2014.The adult learner: The definitive classic in adult education and human resource development. Routledge. Kolb, A.Y. and Kolb, D.A., 2012. Experiential learning theory. InEncyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning(pp. 1215-1219). Springer US. Kolb, D.A., 2014.Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. FT press. Merriam, S. and MacKeracher, D., 2013. The new update on adult learning theory. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education.Instructor. Passarelli, A.M. and Kolb, D.A., 2012. Using experiential learning theory to promote student learning and development in programs of education abroad.Student learning abroad: What our students are learning, what theyre not, and what we can do about it, pp.137-161. Sandlin, J.A., Wright, R.R. and Clark, C., 2013. Reexamining theories of adult learning and adult development through the lenses of public pedagogy.Adult Education Quarterly,63(1), pp.3-23. Schenck, J. and Cruickshank, J., 2015. Evolving Kolb: Experiential education in the age of neuroscience.Journal of Experiential Education,38(1), pp.73-95. Warren, K., Roberts, N.S., Breunig, M. and Alvarez, M.A.T.G., 2014. Social justice in outdoor experiential education: A state of knowledge review.Journal of Experiential Education,37(1), pp.89-103.